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Time, talent, treasure....what can you give?


Our independent status helps us to protect our culture and mission, however it means that we are ineligible for funding streams available to parish schools.  Therefore, support from the wider public and committed benefactors is needed now more than ever.  Be a part of something special.  There are many ways to be involved, from our marketing and development committees, maintenance team or become a member of the 'Semper Altius Society'.  By supporting the mission of the school you are playing a key role in the lives of our families and students.  Find out more on how you can give of your time, talent or treasure by contacting our Director of Advancement Matthew Beine

Annual Fund Drive

The Aquinas Academy Annual Fund Drive (AFD) – “Excellence Through Faith” – is a yearly appeal to families, friends, and benefactors. Funds raised support academy operations.


Capital Campaign

AQUINAS ACADEMY EXPANSION PROJECT Aquinas Academy has a 25 year legacy of providing a place where Catholic families feel at home in a joint effort to provide a True Education for their children.



Aquinas Academy flourishes because of the generous contributions of our benefactors and parents. There are many ways, both large and small, to assist Aquinas in continuing the mission of formation.


Gala 2025

Led by dedicated volunteers, the Aquinas Academy annual benefit auction is the largest social event of the school year. The evening is an opportunity to celebrate Aquinas, bid on silent and live auction items, enjoy a wonderful dinner, and support our academy.